Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sense of Satisfaction

I remember the phone rang just after getting home from work. It was the Police requesting the SES remote search capability for 2 missing bushwalkers west of Nowra. After a quick chat with the wife confirming the calendar was clear, I was grabbing my gear and out the door. A few of us met at headquarters where extra specialist gear was pack before heading southwards. 2 hours after receiving the call we were in Nowra Police station getting a brief on what little information was available about the missing bushwalkers.
As darkness fell we headed to a place called Quiera Clearing in the Morton N.P, it was from this point that we started our search of Ettrema Gorge. I’d never heard of this gorge and in the dead of night I had no idea of what lie ahead. It was after 10pm before teams headed off into the bush, however I chose to stay at our staging area and act as “SES search Commander” since I was the senior person on site. Little did I know that I’d end up coordinating the search teams for the next 48 hours through some horrendous weather conditions.

Wednesday night quickly become Thursday morning and I found myself sleeping on the front seat of the car. Rain had fallen overnight with fog and cloud making visibility of less than 100m. Our search response was growing quickly, portable comms was trucked in and search teams came and went as their availability dictated. The inclement weather showed no signs of improving, if anything it got worse as squally thunderstorms moved across us. I felt for the teams who were out walking in it, my makeshift command post quickly became the front seat of the car due the deteriorating weather. I certainly wasn’t prepared for the role of coordinator, I had no paperwork or documentation to support the role, but I did the best I could.

The media had got wind of the incident and were now circling for a story. By late afternoon on day-2 a glimmer of hope emerged as the missing bushwalkers contacted Police via the emergency app. Our search teams rallied to a possible location while a helicopter out of Nowra was tasked to the search area. Search teams finally made visual contact with the walkers but just as the rescue plan was implemented the weather closed in putting pay to any helicopter retrieval. The walkers would have to spend another night in the wilderness, but at least they were located and in good spirits.

Friday dawned in high spirits, our missing walkers had been found. Sadly, a quick helo extraction was once again ruled out due to the weather, however our enthusiastic search teams were soon heading into the wilderness to assist the walkers. A long day ensued as the vegetation made walking extremely tough, but by mid-afternoon, some 48 hours after our activation the 2 missing bushwalkers were back at the command post. After a quick check over by the paramedics the walkers were reunited with their families. Commanding multiple search teams from multiple organisations over multiple days had been extremely mentally demanding but the success of finding our 2 missing walkers, safe and well proved far more rewarding and satisfying……… I guess that’s why we do it!

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