Friday, August 30, 2019

Cape York, here we come!

Its been a long time in the planning, in actual fact it was first discussed on our last group adventure to the Victorian High Country, but its finally here. Next week we head off on a 6-week adventure to Cape York.

7 vehicles will gather in Cairns before we head off in convey for a fun filled adventure to the tip. 2 years in the planning and countless hours of vehicle preparation and equipment checks are almost done. 

We’ll be traversing all the “must-do” tracks like the Creb, Frenchman’s and Old Telegraph Track as well stopping in on towns like Port Douglas, Weipa, Seisia and Cooktown. Along the way I’m sure we’ll be faced with greater challenges like negotiating our way through Gunshot Creek and Nolan’s Brook where numerous vehicles succumb to the deep-water crossings each year. If we make it past all these challenges, we’ll finally get a family photo standing next to the famous most northern point Cape York signpost.

If that doesn’t get us excited, we get to do it all again as we traverse homeward via the Palmer Gold fields and Cairns. A trip this far north wouldn’t be complete without a day-trip to the Great Barrier Reef, so hopefully we can squeeze in a visit to one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.

7 days and counting!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

45 Years Service

The SES has been very kind to Leonie and I. Not only did we meet and marry through our involvement with SES, we've had some amazing adventures, met some great people who've turned into lifelong friends and now we've collectively accumulated 45 years National Service between to the 2 of us.

I started my SES career back 1993 in the Blue Mountains before moving to the Illawarra in 1996, while Leonie started her SES career in 1995 at the Wollongong City Unit. We've both shared in the high's and lows of being part of an Emergency Service, whether it be helping a resident who's lost their roof due to severe windstorm or flooding has caused a family to be displaced from their home, its all part of giving back to the community and pride of knowing that I did my bit to help someone who at the time was worse off than me.

In early August we were both recognised at SES awards function for our years of service, with Leonie receiving her 20 years Long Service award while I received my 25 years National clasp. After so many years we still love it and hope to be supporting the community for many years to come. Maybe one day our kids might follow in our footsteps.