Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fast facts, figures and funnies from our trip.

  1. We lived a nomadic lifestyle for 184 days
  2. We spent every night in the van except 1 when we decided to stay in a cabin and it was the worst night of our trip.
  3. We visited every mainland state and territory in Australia.
  4. We did 31468 kms
  5. We setup the caravan 70 times
  6. We used 4340 litres of diesel at an average of 13.7 ltr/100km.
  7. Dearest price we paid for fuel was $2.15/ltr on the Lasseters Hwy. The most expensive we seen fuel was $2.25/ltr at Kings Canyon
  8. We nearly had 2 head-on collisions because of overseas tourists driving on the wrong side of the road.
  9. Our coldest temp was -2deg at Dubbo while out hottest was 42deg at Kununurra
  10. Our average nightly accommodation was $39.90
  11. Dave went through 4 pairs of thongs
  12. For the first 3 months we didn’t have a drop of rain.
  13. We never setup or packed up the van in the rain for the entire trip.
  14. We learnt of a new Australia animal – It’s called a Wazaroo, these placid animals lie beside roadways in all parts of Australia. They come in all shapes and sizes and in some parts of western QLD they out number all other animals.
  15. Road-trains have the right of way, even if they’re not on your side of the road.
  16. Its going to be so good not to wear thongs in the shower
  17. 90% of caravaner’s give you a wave when you pass them on the open road.
  18. Every town has at least one pub.
  19. Thank God for ipads and dvd players.
  20. Not all water tastes the same.
    Our lap of Oz
  21. The tooth fairy and Santa managed to find us even though we weren’t at home.
  22. We’ve travelled on dirt roads that are in far better condition than some tarred roads.
  23. Our reversing camera saved a lot of arguments
  24. Geocaching took us to some amazing and unique locations that we normally wouldn’t have seen.
  25. The wiki-camps app was the best $4.95 we spent.
  26. Alcohol was our 4th biggest expenditure, hence we are now home to de-tox
  27. We’ve made lifelong friendships and met some interesting characters along the way.
  28. Every day the kids would whinge about having to do schoolwork.
  29. Fuel was our biggest expenditure.
  30. At our furthest point, we were 3840km from home.
  31. We took over 4000 photos
  32. The longest we went is 5 days without a shower.
  33. We can count on 2 hands the amount of times we’ve watched tv in our 6 months away.
  34. Happy hour is a way of life when travelling.
  35. The longest we spent in one place was 11 nights.
  36. We’ve learnt there’s no secrets when you’re living in a caravan
  37. Teachers deserve more money
  38. It’ll be nice to sit on the toilet without the person in the next stall hearing your thoughts
  39. Distance is only relevant to how far the next petrol station is away.
  40. We're already saving for our next lap.

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