Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas with the Family

Christmas is a special time of year and one that we like to spend with family. We don’t venture out on Christmas day and we’re pretty traditional when it comes to having a big Christmas lunch with loved ones. This year we wanted to continue that tradition and thought it’d be wonderful to spend Christmas Day with Dave’s family on the far north coast of NSW. Having said that the immediate thing that sprung to mind is the logistical nightmare it creates ensuring Santa arrives at a new location for the kids and we cater for an extended mob with lashings of gifts for all.

Having Santa stop at a new location proved difficult as the kids wanted large presents so with a little bit of help from creative grandparents gifts were shipped and assembled well before we made the trip north, which proved to be a godsend for us anxious parents. The rest of the shopping and packing was very mundane. It pays to have a ute!

With Christmas on the Sunday we were like many others and started heading north on the Friday with the unofficial half-day work ethic in full swing. We stopped a night with Leonie’s parents before pushing further north on the Saturday reaching Lennox Head just on lunchtime. Festivities were soon in full swing with a swim and beverages the order of the afternoon. A pleasant surprise was the early arrival of my sister who’d come down to join us for Christmas. Christmas eve night was awash with excited kids and the traditional stroll around the park as many like-minded families took in the amazing decorative lights that adorn the many houses.

Christmas day started early as the kids awoke to the surprise of Santa’s arrival and the many gifts which filled the lounge room. A new bike for Sam and an RC buggy for Ethan were among the many presents that filled the room. For me, I love the smiles and joy the kids experience and this year being with my family was very nice and special to me. The weather gods played their part in dampening the day as by mid-morning the rain had put a dampener on any outside activities but we managed to try most outside toys before it got too wet.

Lunch was a nice affair but soon after my sister had to return to home and for us there was the usual afternoon siesta to have. The kids continued to play with their new toys with Ethan making a small jump track through the garage, while Sam was happy to get the occasional ride on her bike in between showers of rain. By late afternoon we’d consumed a mountain of snack food all washed down with a smothering of alcoholic beverages.

As daylight faded and the glow of Christmas passed for another year we enjoyed a relaxing evening opting to retire early after our early morning awakening….. What a lovely Christmas its been!

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