Clear skies, cool nights and mild days lead up to our departure on the Friday night. We only had to travel to Glenbrook, in the lower Blue Mts so we chose to leave late having a nice Italian dinner before heading out to the ‘hash house’.
After setting up camp and marking maps we set about planning a winning route. Our plan was simple, an anti-clockwise loop around the course and if that failed we could easily comprise to ensure we got back on time.

By the time we passed through our second radio checkpoint, Mick was feeling the effects of some bad knees, which in turn had slowed our pace. As night fell we were still a few km’s out of base but Mick was still keen to push on. Armed with good headlamps we took on a few more checkpoints. However, time was starting to work against us and as we searched for our last checkpoint there was only 15min of time remaining and we were still along way from home. Eventually we had to cut our losses and head for base. Regrettably we arrived back at base 6min late, which incurred us with a 60 point penalty and an 11th place overall.
While our day hadn’t been what I’d expected, it was still a very enjoyable and memorable day. It taught me to ‘be never over confident’. Over confidence is your worst enemy.
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